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Vinyl toilet sticker

23 Feb 2010

Nu dat ik de foto ben ik gaan opzoeken, verschiet ik ervan hoelang dat weer geleden is.

Maar dus, op 29 juli 2009, zat dit pakje in de bus. Mijn Sien had dat hier gevonden.

Vynil, an alternative to wallpaper As a true alternative to wallpaper, the Vynil collection, named from the material from which it is made of, gives the hand to the final user who, incited to turn his/her interior into a space of self-expression, becomes the designer of his/her own decoration. Vynil turns the « wall space » into a playground where composition and story telling are open for innovation. Free yourself from the constraints brought upon you by wall paper and let the Vynil collection, beyond the sheer practical benefits that it brings - you no longer need glue nor a specific table - help you rethink the importance and role of the ornamental motive for your home. Easy to install, self-adhesive, just pick your model out of the collection, compose the visual representation by yourself, and dress up a wall, door, piece of furniture… in your own home.

Wel, het hangt er tegen en het was moeilijker dan verwacht. Je hebt namelijk niet één grote sticker, maar een hele hoop kleine stukjes.

Toilet sticker

We zijn best wel tevreden! Ik vind het mooi.

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