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Movie code activity.

22 Dec 2006

Een goeie opsomming van al wat code niet doet van wat het wel doet in films: What code DOESN’T do in real life

  1. Code does not move.
  2. Code is not green text on a black background.
  3. Code has structure.
  4. Code is not three dimensional.
  5. Code does not make blip noises as it appears on the screen.
  6. Code cannot be cracked by an 8 year old kid in a matter of seconds.
  7. Not all code is meant to be cracked.
  8. Code isn’t just 0100110 010101 10100 011.
  9. People who write code use mice.
  10. Most code is not inherently cross platform.

Go on, read it, I’m sure it will put a smile on your face. :)

via Asfaltkonijn

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