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Infected in 20 minutes.

20 Aug 2004

Infected in 20 minutes

Oh, that’s how long your average unprotected PC running Windows XP will last once it’s connected to the Internet … before it’s compromised and effectively 0//n3d.

You should read it, it is so true. The net has become a hostile environment. Especially for all the average users. Our friends, familiy, …
Have you never asked a friend or a family member: “Do you have a firewall?” or “What anti-virus software or you running?”
90% of them answers with: “What is that?” and if you suggest to them to run an other browser then IE, they don’t thrust it. Go figure.

Often when they come to me for help, the first thing I have to do is install a firwall, anti-virus software and do a windows-update. And then I’ll try to find out what’s wrong.

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