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04 Aug 2004

waspEvery evening when we sit outside having diner, these stupid little creatures are bugging us. Wasps, I really hate them. I was thinking the other day, that we have more of them this year. Today it was confirmed by this article in Gazet van Antwerpen

Because the link becomes obsolete after some time I’ll post a piece of it:

Alles wijst erop dat het een recordzomer voor wespen wordt. Brandweerkorpsen krijgen dubbel zoveel oproepen binnen als vorig jaar om de nesten te vernietigen. De spoedafdelingen zien tientallen patiënten met wespensteken binnenkomen en nagenoeg alle winkels raakten in een recordtijd door hun voorraad wespenvangers en insecticiden heen.

It’s in dutch but basically it says (more or less):

This summer will be a record summer for wasps. Fire department corps get double as much calls as last year to destroy nests. There are tens of people with wasps stabs and almost all stores went in a record time through their supply of bug killers

Damn, and we still need to get ours, the bug killer that is.

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