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Newspaper Frustrations

08 Mar 2004

Newspaper frustrations? Frustration is maybe a big word for it, but still.

Here’s the story: This morning on Studio Brussel (a Belgian radio station) they interviewed someone from De Standaard (a Belgian newspaper) about the “new” format of their newspaper. Since today it’s a tabloid-format. Much much smaller than it used to be.

So far, so good. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Now we go back in time for about a little bit more than a month. De Gazet van Antwerpen (another Belgian newspaper) introduces their paper in a new format. A tabloid-format, and guess what: a lot of people, most of the people actually, like it. Some people are actually switching papers.

Ok, so what’s the big deal? They both have a new format. I can live with that. But I do find it a big deal that De Standaard is now pretending (with radio-commercials and stuff like that) it’s their idea, and they wanted to do this for a very long time. And all of this while the whole of Belgium knows the correct story!

A bit stupid, but I needed to get this out :)

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