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cvs module problems

04 Oct 2003

today i wanted to install cvs (on winxp) so i downloaded the latest version from, i created a repository, added my source and modified the modules-file.

i think this version of cvs didn’t me like cause time after time (when i tried to checkout my source) it failed to open the modules-file :(

cvs [checkout aborted]: failed to open the modules file

so after a while, i almost gave up, i decided to give wincvs a try. i installed it and guess what, the cvs which comes with wincvs did exactly what it was supposed to do: display my modules! :p

modules   CVSROOT modules
src           src

now i would like to know why the cvshome version (1.11.5) doesn’t work, but in the mean time i use the executable of wincvs.

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